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Care Instructions

Caring For Your Jewellery

At LOTUS by leslie ann, I pride myself on quality craftsmanship and attention to detail. Each unique piece is designed and handmade. I want to help you and make sure your piece lasts!


I work directly with all partners within my supply chain to ensure that my jewellery is reflective of the love and consideration that goes into every step of the design process.

To ensure that your jewels last as long as possible, I recommend you follow the below care information.



Exposure to water and moisture such as showering, hand washing, exercising and swimming can cause jewels to dull and/or tarnish. I recommend removing your jewellery prior to swimming, bathing, exercising and showering.



Contact with perfume and cosmetic products can damage vermeil, gold-filled, gold-plated, and sterling silver jewellery. Apply lotions and perfumes well before putting on your jewellery. Avoid applying chemicals, hand sanitizer and cosmetics directly on jewellery.



Delicate jewellery can break during exercise or vigorous activity. I recommend removing your jewellery prior to exercising to prevent any possible breakage and excess moisture.



I suggest that you do not store your jewels in the gift boxes long term. Keep your jewellery in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Using airtight poly-bags or containers are an easy way to ensure your piece(s) stays cool and dry.


Only clean your Sterling Silver jewellery using a soft polishing cloth. Do NOT use a polishing cloth for vermeil, gold-filled, or gold-plated jewellery, as this can cause the gold to rub off. For vermeil, gold-filled, or gold-plated jewellery, use a plain white 100% soft cotton cloth.  GENTLY rub your piece for a bit of extra shine.  Please know that the more you rub and the harder you rub, the more of the gold will rub off.


Wearing Your Pearls

Put on your pearls last and remove them first. This helps to minimize their contact with creams, oils, cosmetics, and hairspray, which can damage them over time.

Do not wear your pearls in water. Exposure to water from swimming, showering, or washing dishes can damage the pearls' luster and cause them to deteriorate.

Pearls are also sensitive to body acids. Avoid wearing them during strenuous exercise or activities that cause excessive sweating.

Store and wear your pearls with care, as they are soft and can easily become scratched. Avoid storing them with other jewellery items that may rub against them and cause damage.

The best way to store pearls is in a soft, silky pouch or a jewellery box with separate compartments. This protects them from dust, sunlight, and other harmful elements.


Cleaning Your Pearls

After wearing your pearls, wipe them gently with a soft cloth to remove any body oils or residue.

Clean your pearls gently with a small amount of mild washing liquid and warm water. Avoid using harsh detergents or chemicals that can damage the pearls.

Dry your pearls with a soft cloth and lay them flat on a towel to air dry.

Keep in mind that pearls should never be cleaned in an ultrasonic cleaner, as this can damage the delicate surface of the pearls.